- Teatterinjohtaja. Artistic Director/CEO (current position)
- Teaching actors on a daily basis at NÄTY
- Telepresence in Performance training and Performing Arts. Research and pedagogic project facilitated between Coventry University and Tampere university. Coventry Telepresence page
- Member of The Council for Societal Interaction at Tampere University
- Member of advisory board of The Centre for Practice as Research in Theatre T7
- Joint project with Coventry university
- Chairman of the Board
NCDP (Nordic Center for Digital Presence)
- researcher
- writing random stuff about culture, art and happenings in general
- producing podcasts
- Cucumber Farmer: website, Facebook, Soundcloud, Apple Music, Spotify
- KONEV: website, Facebook, Soundcloud, Apple Music
- founder in 1997. Actor, Director, Producer and Chaiman of the Board 1997-2007
Affiliations, friends and other good projects:
- Hyvä kurkku, great vegan-dining blog
- BIOS, good multidisciplinary research about resources, environment and sustainability.
- Tampereen Maratonklubi, my club and friends in long distances
- NIIN&NÄIN, great people and excellent philosophy
- Ville Lähde, great guy and excellent philosophy