Updated 1.4.2022


– Upper secondary school graduate 1991, Nokian Lukio

– High School graduate, Kee High School, Lansing, Iowa, USA.

– Education 15 study weeks, Helsinki University 1993

– Faculty of Educational Sciences, Helsinki University 1994-1995

– Lahti Folk High School dramatic arts programme 1993-1994

Master of Arts (Theatre and Drama). Tampere University Department of acting (NÄTY) 1995-1999

– Doctoral study programme of performing arts in Finland (VEST)-researcher school, 2005-2009

Doctor of Arts (Theatre and Drama). Tampere University The School of Communication, Media and Theatre (CMT). (NÄTY) 2012

Teacher´s Pedagogical Studies, Higher Education. 60 sp. 2014-2019. Faculty of Education, Tampere University 2019.

Higher Education Administrative Studies, Administrative Studies. 40 sp. 2021-2023. Faculty of Management and Business, Tampere University 2023. 


– “THEATRE AS A PROJECT OF A BODY” Artistic Doctoral work. Practice led research about the potentials of a modern theatre work. Tampere University. NÄTY 2005-2011

– “THEATRE AS A MEDIUM” Research project that studies different recording possibilities of theatre performances, their digital life cycle, new forms of the theatre in the impact environment of developing technology and the potential of such recordings to develop into new works of art, theatre videos or theatre medium . Centre for Practice as Research in Theatre 2007-2010

– “SPEECH-SYNTHESIS IN RADIOTHEATRE”. TAUCHI (Tampere University), Radio Theatre(YLE), Aalto-University and Lucifer Sam Audiovisual 2011. PISPALA2011 was the actual artistic result of this project, an audiotheatre work written together with Ville Lähde.

– “JOURNALISTIC DOCUMENTARY THEATRE“. Project seeked to answer the question of what kind of knowledge or experience can journalistic documentary theater offer, which theater or journalism cannot do without each other. Tampere Unversity, Research centres COMET and Centre for Practice as Research in Theatre. 2013-2015

– “. This project mainly facilitates international virtual mobility collaborations between theatre students at the University of Tampere (Finland) and Coventry University (UK), with a particular focus on acting in a foreign language. 2015-


– PRIX ITALIA nomination 2011. (Audiotheatre. Director. Marja Kyllönen: Äänetön osakas. Audio theatre 47 min. (YLE. Radioteatteri 2010))

Nomination at NORDIC GLORY -film festival 2012. (Director. Cinema. Sami Keski-Vähälä: Pompejin viimeiset päivät. Cinema 23 min. CDP 2:35:1/Blue Ray/Digi BETA. Lucifer Sam Audiovisual productions 2010. (AVEK/YLE)

– RESEARCH PUBLICATION OF THE YEAR 2015: The School of Communication, Media and Theatre (CMT). TAMPERE UNIVERSITY. Suomalainen “pressi” Klubi. (TTT-Klubi, NÄTY 2015))

– Reimagine Education Award 2016 (University of Philadelphia): Hybrid learning (winner: Arts&Humanities award). (Coriolanus Online project. Coventry University/Tampereen yliopisto 2016-2017)

– Excellence in education award: Coventry University UK. 2016.  (Coriolanus online project)

– Ällästikku -award (opetuksen laatu- ja kehittämispalkinto), nomination, Coriolanus Online –pilot. Tampere University 2016

– Coventry University Excellence Award 2018: Supporting Global Learning

– Reimagine Education Award 2018 (Wharton, University of Philadelphia): Hybrid learning Winner. Arts&Humanities : Winner (TELEPRESENCE IN PERFORMANCE TRAINING AND PERFORMING ARTS). Coventry University/University of Tampere 2016-2018)

– Guardian University Award 2020: Higher Education, Internationalisation. Telepresence in Theater -project. Coventry University/University of Tampere 2016-2018



– Aristofanes: Lysistrate (Lahti Folk High School dramatic arts programme, director Marietta Tevajärvi 1993)

– Jim Cartwright: Road (Lahti Folk High School dramatic arts programme, director Jouni Leikkonen 1994)

– Ari Eilola: Lankeemus (Kellariteatteri, director Ari Eilola 1994)

– Marianna Järvinen: Krasnojarsk 26 (Kellariteatteri, director M.Järvinen 1994)

– Sirkku Peltola & Heikki Salo: Beatlehem (NÄTY, director Sirkku Peltola 1996)

– Tankred Dorst: Merlin (Turku City Theatre, director Katariina Lahti 1997)

– Kaj Chydeniuksen lauluja and Sikojen rakkaus (composition and director Kaj Chydenius / NÄTY 1997)

– Hannu Salama: Juhannustanssit /Baile de San Juan (NÄTY/Cordoba, Spain director, Y-J Renvall 1998)

– Henrik Ibsen: Hedda Gabler (NÄTY, director Hanno Eskola 1998)

– Kaj Chydenius: Nummisuutarit -opera (NÄTY/Turku City Theatre, director Yrjö Juhani Renvall 1999)

– Samuel Beckett: Krapp’s Last Tape (director Tero Heinämäki. Circus Maximus Tampere Teatterikulma 1999, Von Kraali teater Tallinn 1999, Lume media centre studio stage Helsinki 2000, Divadlo Archa Praque 2000, Lambuska Festival Petroskoi 2002)

– William Shakespeare: The taming of the shrew. (Turku City Theatre, director Katariina Lahti 1999)

– Heiner Muller: Hamletmachine (Circus Maximus/ZODIAK, Puoli-Q, director J-P Kiljunen 2000)

– Arlander: Maailman ääri – missä kivi puhuu. (Harakka/Radio theatre YLE, director Annette Arlander 2000)

– Samuel Beckett: Cascando, 5X Beckett (NÄTY/Circus Maximus/Helsinki City Theatre 2001, director Annette Arlander)

– Nicholas Wright: Vincent in Brixton (Tampereen Teatteri, director Mikko Viherjuuri 2003)

– Jukka Heinänen: Maailman paras – eli virtuaali ja kyborgit kehittyneessä kapitalismissa (Circus Maximus, KIASMA -theatre 2007)

Anthony Minghella: Made in Bangkok (Tampereen Teatteri dir. Johanna Freundlich 2012)


tv, radio and film

– Elämän suola. director Jarmo Lampela 1997 TV2

– Teppo Räisänen: Etsivä (Film. YLE-tv 2, director Kristiina Repo 1998)

– Aleksi Bardy: Maalaispoika (Film. YLE-tv 2, director Jukka Mäkinen 1998)

– Arvokkaasti! director Kristiina Repo 1999 TV2

– Kultakuume.com director Saara Saarela 2000 Moskito/Nelonen

– Arlander: Maailman ääri -missä kivi puhuu.(Radio theatre, director Annette Arlander 2000)

– Conrad/Viljanen/Seppälä: Hulluuden sydän. Audio theatre 48 min. (Circus Maximus/Radio theatre 2001, director Mikko Kanninen)

– Kotikatu. director Misa Nirhamo 2001 YLE 1

– Paholaisen tytär director Minna Virtanen 2001 Jarowski Drama/MTV 3

– Seremoniamestari: Pysähtyy & kysyy. Actor in a music video. Spinefarm 2001

– Mental Sport. director Tero Kinnunen/Esa Leskinen (Film. 2002 YLE 1)

– George Orwell/Mikko Viljanen: Eläköön tuonenkielo !. Audio theatre 42 min.(Radio theatre/Circus Maximus 2002 director Mikko Kanninen)

– Sipuli. ohj. Hape Peltomaa (Film. Aalto/Näty 2018)


– Nigel Williams: Class enemy (Kellariteatteri 1995)

– Georg Buchner: Danton’s death (Tampere Student Theatre 1996)

– Juhani Peltonen: The Lion of Finland (Suomen Leijona )(Circus Maximus 1997)

– Peter Handke: They will die away (TTT-theatre Tampere Kosti Elo-stage/NÄTY 2000)

– Samuel Beckett: Not I 5X Beckett (Circus Maximus/Helsinki City Theatre 2001)

– Samuel Beckett: What where 5X Beckett (Circus Maximus/Helsinki City Theatre 2001)

– Sarah Kane: Cleansed (Circus Maximus/Kokoteatteri 2001)

– Kari Hotakainen: Hukassa on hyvä paikka (Seinäjoki City Theatre 2002)

– A&B Strugatski/Viljanen: Stalker (Helsinki City Theatre/ TTT-theatre Tampere / Circus Maximus 2003)

– Jean Genet: The Screens (NÄTY 2004)

– Witold Gombrowicz: Ivona, Princess of Burgundia (NÄTY 2005)

– Erland Josephson: En natt i den svenska sommaren (Theatre Telakka , Espoo City Theatre 2006)

– Sami Keski-Vähälä: Suuri sinivalkoinen juoksija (TTT-theatre Tampere 2007)

– Jukka Heinänen: Maailman paras – eli virtuaali ja kyborgit kehittyneessä kapitalismissa (Circus Maximus, KIASMA -theatre 2007)

– Martin McDonagh: The Pillowman (TTT-theatre Tampere 2009)

– Maria Kyllönen & workgroup: Fragmentierungskunstwerk (Circus Maximus, Betania-hall 2009)

– Esa Leskinen & Sami Keski-Vähälä: The Overcoat (Päällystakki)(Tampere Theatre 2010)

– Esa Leskinen & Sami Keski-Vähälä: Under the European Sky (Euroopan taivaan alla)(Tampere Theatre 2011)

– Hannu Salama/workgroup: NÄKIJÄ/TEKIJÄ (NÄTY 2012)

– Esa Leskinen ja Sami Keski-Vähälä: Jatkuvaa kasvua (Tampereen Teatteri 2014)

– Suomalainen “pressi” Klubi. (TTT-Klubi, NÄTY 2015)

– Alfred Jarry: Kuningas Ubu (Näty 2017)

– Miika Nousiainen/Mikko Kanninen: Juurihoito (Tampereen teatteri 2018)

– Jan Neumann: Peruskiviä (NÄTY 2018)

– Hämäläinen/Keski-Vähälä: Kansalliskirjailija (Tampereen Teatteri 2021)

– J.R.R Tolkien/Sami Keski-Vähälä: The Lord of the Rings (Tampereen Teatteri, Tampere Talo 2024)


tv, radio and film:

– Viljanen & team: Monitoimikeskus Babylon (tv-pilot/Metronome Television 2001)

– Conrad/Viljanen/Seppälä: Hulluuden sydän (Circus Maximus/Radio theatre 2001)

– George Orwell/Mikko Viljanen: Eläköön tuonenkielo! (Radio theatre/Circus Maximus 2002)

– Ari Numminen: Saari vailla rantoja. Theatre-media DVD. (NÄTY/Centre for Practice as Research 2008)

– Leea & Klaus Klemola: Kohti Kylmempää. TV-version. (Centre for Practice as Research 2008/YLE TEEMA 2009)

– Matkalla Kohti Kylmempää. Tv-documentary. (Centre for Practice as Research 2008/YLE TEEMA)

– Marja Kyllönen: Äänetös osakas. Audio-theatre 47 min. (YLE Radioteatteri 2010)(PRIX ITALIA -nominee 2011)

– Sami Keski-Vähälä: Last Days of Pompeii. Film 23 min. Blue Ray/Digi BETA. Lucifer Sam Audiovisual productions 2010. (AVEK/YLE)(Honorable Mention Winner in NORDIC GLORY -festival 2012)

– Mikko Kanninen ja Ville Lähde: PISPALA2011. Audio-theatre 35 min. (YLE Radioteatteri 2011)


International, peer-reviewed articles:

–  “Possibility of `political theatre` in modern capitalism – Practice-led research inspired by aesthetics of Herbert Marcuse“. Artikkeli kokoelmassa: “At the intersection Between Art and Research – Practice-Based Research in the Performing Arts”.  Aarhus University Press/NSU Press 2010. ISBN 978 87 87564 18 2.

– “The Coriolanus Online project”. Kanninen Mikko, Syrjä Tiina, Gorman Tom. (2016). Proceedings of the 20th International Academic Mindtrek Conference: ACM, 457-459.

– “There is a world elsewhere: Rehearsing and training through immersive telepresence”. Kanninen Mikko, Syrjä Tiina, Gorman Tom. Theatre, Dance and Performance Training (Volume 10, 2019 – Issue 2: Digital Training) (TDPT) 2019 (Pages 208-226). TDPT 1610491.ISSN: 1944-3927 (Print) 1944-3919. https://doi.org/10.1080/19443927.2019.1610491

– “Sensing the Same Space – Spatial Understanding and Engagement in Higher Education” (2019). Lindén Jyri, Kanninen Mikko, Kupiainen Reijo, Annala Johanna. Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Tidsskrift 15:27(p.83-97). ISSN 2245-1374. https://tidsskrift.dk/dut/article/view/112640

– “Immersive telepresence in theatre: performing arts education in digital spaces”. Gorman, Tom; Kanninen, Mikko; Syrjä, Tiina. (2020). Immersive telepresence in theatre: performing arts education in digital spaces. In Helm, Francesca; Beaven, Ana (Eds), Designing and implementing virtual exchange – a collection of case studies (pp. 23-35). Research-publishing.net. https://doi.org/10.14705/rpnet.2020.45.1112.  ISBM paperback: 978-2-490057-71-9

Domestic, peer-reviewed articles:

– “Teatterin digitaaliset mahdollisuudet“. Niin&Näin 1/2011. ISSN 1237-1645.

”Aktiivinen kansalaisuus keskiössä journalismin ja teatterin yhdistetyssä yliopisto-opetuksessa”. Kanninen Mikko ja Männistö Anssi. Kasvatus-lehti 5/2016 (473-477) ISSN 0022-927X

International writing:

 – “Kinematic Sculpting of Space“. Arctic Hysteria: The Finnish Art Review, No 9 june 08, P.S.1 MoMA, New York. ISSN 1459-6288

Domestic writing (selected):

Näyttelijäntaiteen ja esittämisen verkko-opetuksen tutkimusprojekti Telepresence in Performace training and Performing Arts”. Suomen näyttelijäliiton lehti ÄMYRI 4/2018.

Yleisesti tyyleistä”. Arvostelu Elina Kiikun: Teatterin tyylilajit kirjasta. Teatteri&Tanssi&Sirkus. 2/2018.

Coriolanus online näyttelijälle vieraan kielen ja uuden verkko-opetuksen pilottiprojektina”. Teatteri&Tanssi&Sirkus. 3/2016. (Yhdessä Tiina Syrjän kanssa)

Taidepolitiikka on hakoteillä“. Aamulehti 3.8.2014.

Uuden työn näyttämöllä“. Niin&Näin 1/2012. (Yhdessä Ville Lähteen kanssa)

Teatterin tulevaisuudesta“. Tutkivan Teatterityön keskus 1/2012.

 – “Uusia näkökulmia teatterintekijöille“. Niin&Näin 1/2008. ISSN 1237-1645.

Pink Twins arkkitehtuurisena ulottuvuutena maailmassa” Helsingin Taidehallin näyttelykatalogi  8/2009.

Pink Twins Catalogue, a 2 DVD + book. “Pink Twins as an Architectural Dimension in the World”. Pink Twins Media 2006.

Presentations and participations to seminars:

– Shakespeare`s Stage: Royal Shakespeare Company Workshop. Copenhagen 1996

– “Against the screen” – seminar on 18th September 2004 (Tampere University, Pinni B 3116 and Teatterimonttu). Presentation of own research: presentation of artistic work (Jean Genet : The screens, director), outlining the theoretical frame of the research and discussion on these subjects with the audience and seminar guests.

– ” 1.Authorship 2.Emotions 3.Bodily form and performing arts”. 7th March 2005 (Tampere University, Department of Music Anthropology E021). Presentation on: “Phenomenological questions of the bodily form in practical theatre work”

-“Iwona” -seminar on 7th November 2005 (Tampere University, E3 and Teatterimonttu). “Director studies” e.g. presentation of own research and introduction on ”artistic research”.

– NO Theatre Transversal, Crossing Bordes between Genres, Cultures and Identities. 2-4.3.2006 University Of Trier, Germany.

 – Beckett: Drama ja prose, lectures in University Of Tampere. 6.3.2006. Presentation on:” Prisons and freedoms in acting on Beckett drama.”

– Spring seminar of finnish theatre research, University of Tampere 20.4.2006. Performing, research and responsibilities for society. Presentation on: “Phenomenological tradition as a material for practise-based research in theatre“.

– RE:SEARCHING. A Nordic syomposium on practice-based research in the performing arts. 20-25.4. 2006. Malmö, Sweden.

– NSU-winter seminar for practice based research in performing arts, Copenhagen, Denmark 22-25.2.2007.

– Tampere City Library 2.4.2007. Presentation on “Aesthetic Dimensions – thougts about modern political theatre while reading Herbert Marcuse.”

– NSU-winter seminar for practice based research in performing arts, Gothenburg, Sweden 31.1-3.2.2008. Presentation on “Writings of modern philosophy as an concrete material for embodiment process of an actor.”

“Mikä ihmeen media?” (What an earth is media?) –seminar in Tampere University School of Communication, Media and Theatre 29.4.2011. Lecture on “Theatre as a medium/in a media

– “Teatteriesityksen katsominen“. Keynote. Ikääntyvien yliopiston monitieteinen luentosarja, Tampereen yliopisto. 25.3.2014

– “What kind of an Art Form could this new “Digital Theatre” be?“. Luento (paper). Live Theatre Broadcast Symposium, University of York, Great Britain. 25.6.2015

– “THERE IS A WORLD ELSEWHERE” – presentation about Coriolanus Online project, collaboration between Coventry University and University of Tampere. Elsinore conference -“Shakespeare, the next 400 years”. Kronborg castle, Denmark. 22-24 april 2016.

– “Kokeileva näyttämöteos ja tutkimushanke oppimisalustana opettaja- oppijan näkökulmasta”. Luento (paper) – yhdessä Samuli Nordbergin kanssa. Journalistinen dokumenttiteatteri seminaari Tampereen yliopisto. 10.5.2016.

– “The Coriolanus Online project”. (paper/poster). Academic Mindtrek. 20th International Academic Mindtrek Conference. Tampere Talo. 17-19.10.2016

– ”Coriolanus online – telepresence in actors training”. Lecture with Tom Gorman at Telepresence in Performing Arts Workshop at the Disruptive Media Learning Lab. Coventry University. United Kingdom 28.11.2016.

– “Exploring new approaches to Online International Learning”. Online lecture with Tom Gorman in European Conference on Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) for Higher Education. The Hague University of Applied Sciences. Netherlands. 01.12.2016

– “There is a world elsewhere – Coriolanus online”. Lecture with Tiina Syrjä and Tom Gorman in Reimagine Education (Hybrid learning) Conference. University of Pennsylvania. USA. 5.12.2016

-”Embodiment in telepresence”. Paper/lecture. International Platform for Performer Training (IPPT) conference. HKU, Utrecht, Netherlands. 9.3-12.3.2017

– “There is a world elsewhere – Coriolanus online”. Online-lecture with Tiina Syrjä and Tom Gorman Network Performing Arts Production Workshop 2017. Copenhagen, Denmark. 3-5.4.2017

– “New approaches to Online International Learning”. Online-lecture with Tiina Syrjä and Tom Gorman Networkshop45. Nottingham Conference Centre, Nottingham. United Kingdom. 11-13.4.2017

– ”Hybriditeatteri – Kehollinen läsnäolo esittävissä taiteissa”. Yhdessä Riku Roihankorven kanssa, HIPR –seminaari, Helsingin Kaupungintalo 26.4.2017.

– ”Nuorten näyttelijöiden työllistyminen”. (paper). Nuori katsoja ja nuori tekijä –miten tulevaisuutta teatterissa rakennetaan? –seminaari. Suomen Teatterit, Näyttelijäliitto ja Teatterin tiedotuskeskus. Tampereen teatterikesä 11.8.2017

– ”Telepresence in performing arts training – case Coriolanus online”. Lecture/presentation. Mapping interactivity seminar, VÄS, Theatre Academy, Uniarts, Helsinki. 12.12.2017.

– ”Kig Lear -online”. Presentation and demostration of online performance with Tiina Syrjä and Tom Gorman. The GREAT festival of innovation. UK Department for International Trade. Hong Kong .24.3.2018

– “Paris, Texas”. Directing the opening performance of the NPAPWS conference on a virtual stage made possible by the Nimbra system and advanced networks. New World Symphony and GEANT association. Miami, USA. 24.4.2018

– ”Immersive Telepresence – A framework for Training and Rehearsal in a Post-Digital Age”. Paper/lecture. International Platform for Performer Training (IPPT) conference. University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden. 19.1.2019


– Näyttelijäopiskelijat R.Y Chaiman of the board 1997-1999

– Circus Maximus -theatre (founder member / managing director, director, actor, producer in several productions) 1997-2002, president of the board 2004- 2007

– Lucifer Sam Audiovisual productions OY, CEO 2004-2012

– State art grant. Valtion näyttämötaidetoimikunta 2004

– Assistant of acting arts (substitute). Tampere University, Department of acting. 2005

– Researcher. Tampere University, Department of acting. 2006-2010.

– Tampere University Faculty Humanistic sciences, board member 2007-2010

Tampere Theatre festival, Artistic Director 2011-2015

– University lecturer on Acting. NÄTY, Tampere University 2014-2020

Theatre info Finland, TINFO. Board member 2014-2016

– Tampere University Faculty of Information and communication sciences, board member COMS 2017-2018

– Tampereen University, Head of the Theatre work program (vt.) 22.2-30.4.2017

Theatre info Finland, TINFO. Chaiman of the board 2018-2022

– Member of The Council for Societal Interaction at Tampere University 2019 – 2020

– Unknown Future Orgs OY, CEO. 2019 -2020

Tampere Theatre, Artistic Director & CEO, 2020-

Tampere Theatre festival, board member 2021-