The Screens (fin. Kaihtimet)was a theatre performance at University of Tampere, Teatterimonttu. It was performed between 16.9.2004-19.10.2004. Original play was written by Jean Genet.

The play of Jean Genet is a commentary to the european theatre tradition. It is ambiguous, chaotic ja basicly impossible to set up to stage. NÄTY and SORIN SIRKUS took the challenge and produced the play together.
This webpage is part of doctoral degree of theatrical art by Mikko Kanninen in University of Tampere, Department of Acting.

Performance was directed and adapted by Mikko Kanninen. Set designer was Ruska Schönberg. Light designer was Samuli Hytönen. Wardrobe was designed by Kitte Klementtilä. Sound and music was designed byi Nuutti Vapaavuori. Circus choreography was made by Taina Kopra. Dances were made byi Ari Numminen.


Mikko Kanninen

Theatre as a Project of a Body - artistic research on the theoretical and practial possibilities of moders acting



To be presented, with the permission of the board of School of Communication, Media and Theatre of the University of Tampere,

for public discussion in the Teatterimonttu theatre, D-wing, Kalevantie 4, Tampere on April 22nd, 2012 ay 12 o`clock.


(c) Mikko Kanninen 2012